Project Example

Preliminary Benin ARM3 Behavior Change Communication Strategy (2012-2016)

The ARM3 Behavior Change Communication (BCC) strategy aims to support the National Strategic Plan by contributing to the development, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of NMCP initiatives to influence behaviors and mobilize communities to create long-term normative shifts toward desired behaviors and to sustain enabling behaviors around the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) interventions in Benin with a focus on those related to ARM3 project objectives.

The objectives of the strategy are:

  • To support BCC interventions by the National Malaria Control Program and ARM3 through: effective coordination of activities by the BCC Working Group; participation in activities by other existing working groups [1] ; harmonization of BCC/IECC messages, materials and tools developed in Benin
  • To increase community engagement in /mobilization for malaria prevention and treatment
  • Increase the supply and use of LLINs through social marketing with private sector partners
  • To upgrade BCC skills of health workers from private and public sectors at national and community levels, and provide supervision in the use of BCC guidelines
  • To advocate for increased support for malaria control, by government authorities and key partners (reflected in support for coordination, availability of funds, allocation of human resources and development of public policies that support malaria mortality and morbidity reduction)
  • To develop and disseminate materials supporting BCC and Community Mobilization
  • To monitor and evaluate the ARM3 BCC and Community Mobilization Strategy

Source: MIDI

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019