Project Example

A Guide for Trainers of Village Health Teams: a Participatory Approach to Improve Child Health

Village health teams (VHTs) can play an important role in reducing the number of child deaths in Ugandan communities. In order to achieve this, they need to be properly trained, supported and motivated. VHT performance and motivation is influenced by the community’s appreciation of the VHTs role and responsibilities. In order to address the challenge of VHT motivation, retention, and performance, Malaria Consortium’s inSCALE project has designed a community engagement innovation: village health clubs. This Trainer’s Guide has been developed for sub-county trainers to train and support VHTs in successfully setting up and running VHTs. It is to be used in conjunction with the flipbook of child cards, with the aim of giving the VHTs step by step guidance on how to form a health club following the 4 steps and guiding principles.

Source: Malaria Consortium

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019